Foster knowledge through a series of micro-essays and meaningful dialogue about environmentally-sound agriculture
The Prof George blog focuses on agriculture, science, culture, and worldviews:
with very special reference to the environment.
The blog is designed to foster knowledge through a series of micro-essays and meaningful dialogue about environmentally-sound agriculture.
As a system of system of food, feed and fiber production, agriculture is humankind’s greatest innovation!
For agriculture to provide an appropriate quantity of high-quality food for a global population of more than eight billion in the second quarter of the 21st Century, it must be based on the fundamentals of the science of ecology.
Is this compatible with our culture and individual worldviews?
Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University
President, G. W. Bird Family Foundation for Environmentally-Sound Agriculture
Professor George has more than fifty-five years of Land Grant University teaching experience with undergraduates, graduate students, and Extension outreach initiatives.
3Each blog will contain several references designed for the blogger to obtain additional information about the topic.
4This statement intentionally ignores the fact that various species of insects engage in agriculture.
P. O. Box 22162
4800 Collins Road
Lansing, Michigan 48909